Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sorrow of War Questions

1. Why do you think Phoung's absence affects Kien the way it does? 

2. How do you think being on a MIA team would affect a person?

3. What do you think drove commander Quang to madness? Reference page 96.

4. Do you think Kien would have better coping mechanics if it wasn't for the war?

5. Since the book has inferred that Kien has reached low points in his life on numerous occasions, why do you think he carries on?

6. Kien's love for Phoung runs deep, even with the pain she brings him, why do you think he allows her to run over him emotionally?

7. Do you think Kien value his life? Give the reasons behind your belief.

8. Why do you think Lien scoffed to himself when the commander said, " Be sure of yourself first.". 

9. What do you think played larger role in Kien's life: his god-given purpose or his relationship with war?

10. Do you think Kien will ever have a peaceful life? Explain your reasonings.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Homework Answers 16 October 2016

1. Yes but it is usually in the child's best interest. Parents want only the best for their kids and in doing so they can sometimes go overboard. They may push their child too hard or too fast but it is usually done with good intentions.

2. Parents and their children may disagree about a tone of things, such as: hobbies, friends, education, and future goals. All of these are conflicts a parent and their child may disagree on.

3. I feel that in most situations thinking in that manner is counterproductive. There is a lot more to life in general than thinking and doing something. More often than not, people fail in the pursuit of their dream job or life. That is because one can have determination and motivation and still fail because of problems out of their control, which is why it is praised when one sets out and achieve their dream.

4. I do believe that some conflicts can have no winners. The majority of the time it is about settling, which while is great, it hinders progress. For example, teachers who go on strike because of low salaries, can not teach students hungering for knowledge. So by the end of the fiasco, either the teachers accept the dismal pay or the kids pay with their education.

5. My parents have the same mindset of the Chinese parents mentioned in the excerpt, but they deliver it in a different way. They are a lot less controlling then them and they take into account how I feel. Sometimes I feel that my dad can be a little hard on me about school but I now know that it could be a lot worse. It is all well meant but it just seems misconstrued by the parents from the excerpt.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Chapter 16 Quotes

Quote 1, Chapter 16, Page #264
"She didn't live. She didn't get to be fifty. She would never be fifty."   -Cheryl Strayed

1) Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
It relates to the theme of acceptance. By this point in her life, Cheryl is just now coming to terms with her mother's death. Cheryl's mom, Barbara, didn't grow old as Cheryl expected her to. Cheryl would eventually learn to accept her mom being gone, but it was emotionally exhausting to her.

2) Does the quote characterizes Cheryl, Paul or any other character? If so, in what ways does it characterize?
The quote characterized Cheryl by explicitly expressing what she thought. It showed how strong Cheryl's love for her mom was. Cheryl was at a bad place in her life while thinking that; meaning Cheryl still found time to grieve for her mother when she couldn't for herself.

Quote 2, Chapter 16, Page #273
"I never got to be in the driver's seat of my own life,"  - Barbara Lambrecht

3) Does the quote characterizes Cheryl, Paul or any other character? If so, in what ways does it characterize?
The quote characterizes Cheryl's mom, Barbara. In it, Barbara expresses how she never had control over her life. She felt that in order to do what was right for her future, she had to put her life on the back burner. This showed how strong Barbara was because she dealt with domestic abuse and the uncertainty of teenage motherhood.

4) Does the quote indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
The quote signified of Barbara's struggle in her early life. She felt forced to act in ways that she may not have liked. Everything she did, to her, felt like it was molded for a life she wouldn't necessarily chose for herself. Like many women, she carried on, trying her best along the way.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Wild Quotes 1 & 2

Quote 1, Chapter 8, Page #122
"Because the point of my trip is that I'm out here to do it alone."                     -Cheryl Strayed

1)Does the quotation characterizes Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so, in what ways does it characterizes?
Cheryl didn't forget the reason why she came to the PCT, even when she faced tough times. The quote was a response she gave to Doug and Tom, who wanted felt it wasn't safe for Cheryl to hike in the snow alone. It was another moment Cheryl showed how resilient she was in the face of adversity.

2)Does the quotation indicate a conflict?
Yes. The quotation was a response to Doug and Tom, who pleaded for Cheryl to hike with them through the snow after she expressed her plan of getting off at the Trail Pass. Doug and Tom plead for her to change her mind, which lead to an awkward and intense silence, once she denied their offer.

Quote 2, Chapter 8, Page #127
"It's a good thing," she said. "It's the place where things are born, where they begin. Think about how a black hole absorbs energy and the releases it as something new and alive."
-Old lady from the bathroom

3)Does the quote relate to a theme? If so, what theme does it relate?
It relates to the theme of surviving and coming back from low places. The old lady who said this was detailing the meaning of a feather Cheryl had on her. The quote expressed that no matter how bad things got, there will always be a way back to an equilibrium.

4)Does the quote indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
The quote indicates more of a solution than it does a conflict. It was expressed in a way to put Cheryl  at ease about her troubling situations. The quote was spoken to Cheryl at a time when she was low on funds and still didn't know herself.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

It's never too late for that first long hike

3 Interesting Facts
• HikerTown, is a privately owned home of Richard Skaggs, who offers it as a sanctuary to tired hikers.
• Bill Moore, at 63, completed the first section of the PCT.
• Trail Angels Jeff and Donna Saufley,  provided accommodations at the end of Bill's hike.

2 Facts
• The 2005 Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kickoff took place at Lake Morena.
• Bill's hike began on March 9th near Highway 58.

1 Question
• Would Bill have done more long distance hikes if he had known how great they were earlier in his life?

Article Summary
"It's Never Too Late for That First Long Hike", is an article by Bill Moore, detailing his journey of hiking the PCT. He explained his previous experience with hiking and how that affected his journey along the PCT. Bill was 63 at the time of his first long distance hike, hence the title's name. Bill wrote about the sights and people he met along the hike. Bill wrote that even though he enjoyed the hike, his body ached all over. Bill has since "retired"  his hiking days.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

My writing skills

I would hope that I'm as competent as I think I am when it comes to writing, even though I have my doubts. My strong suit is being able to write about just about anything. I love getting in deep with the topics I write about because I see it as therapy. I usually go into essays easy because I can generate ideas quickly. Words come to me easily when I'm truly passionate about a subject and before I know it, I've filled up a page. My main flaw is also my best writing attribute. I get so into a topic that I can't stay focus on one part too long. I could be writing a thesis but already be planning my conclusion. I only hope that by the end of this class, I'll be able to control that and boost my writing IQ even further.

About me

My name is Maurice Spelton-Poe and I am currently a junior at BC Rain High School. I am on a honors diploma and I take AP classes, one of which is English. My short term academic goal is to graduate high school and the go on to college, hopefully with a scholarship. I plan to major in either mechanical engineering or business. I am a hard worker so I plan to follow my plans and goals through. Outside of school, I love listening to music of any kind and I sketch occasionally. I hope that by the end of this school year, I'll be able to retain the valuable knowledge I'll learn.